SSAT Middle Level Reading Practice Test 38

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The Bay of Pigs Invasion was an unsuccessful attempt by United States-backed Cubanexilesto overthrow the government of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Increasing conflict between the U.S. government and Castro's regime led President Dwight D. Eisenhower to break off diplomatic relations with Cuba in January 1961. Even before that, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had been training Cuban exiles for a possible invasion of the island. The invasion plan was approved by Eisenhower's successor, John F. Kennedy.

On April 17, 1961 about 1300 exiles, armed with U.S. weapons, landed at the Bay of Pigs on Cuba. Hoping to find support from the local population, they intended to cross the island to Havana. It was evident from the first hours of fighting, however, that the exiles were likely to lose. President Kennedy had the option of using the U.S. Air Force against the Cubans but decided against it. Consequently, Castro's army stopped the invasion. By the time the fighting ended on April 19, ninety exiles had been killed and the rest had been taken prisoner.

The failure of the invasion seriously embarrassed the young Kennedy administration. Some critics blamed Kennedy for not giving it enough support and others for allowing it to take place at all. Private groups in the United States later ransomed the captured exiles. From the Bay of Pigs on, Castro was convinced that the Americans would try to take over Cuba again.

-America's Library

1. This passage deals primarily with

  • A. the consequences of mistakes in politics.
  • B. diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba.
  • C. a failed U.S. raid on a foreign country.
  • D. the early history of a presidential administration.
  • E. an attempt to bargain with Fidel Castro.

2. The "exiles" mentioned in the first sentence refer to

  • A. former Cuban citizens
  • B. past employees of Fidel Castro
  • C. government officials
  • D. U.S. ambassadors to Cuba
  • E. residents of the Bay of Pigs

3. According to the passage, each of the following occurred before the Bay of Pigs invasion EXCEPT

  • A. A desire to remove Fidel Castro from power.
  • B. The order of the invasion by President Kennedy.
  • C. The training of Cuban exiles by the CIA.
  • D. Increased tension between Castro and Eisenhower.
  • E. The imprisonment of U.S. citizens by Cuba.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the 1,300 exiles

  • A. were captured because they were not properly trained by the CIA.
  • B. did not receive as much assistance from the Cuban people as hoped.
  • C. fought bravely for about two months, but eventually yielded to the enemy.
  • D. were Cuban prisoners of war for many years before being killed.
  • E. never forgave President Kennedy for not providing aircraft support.

5. According to the passage, results of the invasion included which of the following?

I. President Kennedy's reputation was strengthened.

II. The Cuban leader believed in a second attack.

III. Money was paid to free the surviving exiles.

  • A. II only
  • B. I and II only
  • C. I and III only
  • D. II and III only
  • E. I, II and III