SSAT Middle Level Reading Practice Test 9

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I was working as a consultant in a beer company, helping the president and senior vice-presidents prepare and apply their plans for the future. It was an enormous challenge. At the same time, my mother was in the final stages of cancer.

I worked during the day and drove 40 miles home to be with her every night. It was tiring and stressful, but it was what I wanted to do. My commitment was to do excellent work during the day, even though my evenings were very hard. I didn't want to bother the president with my situation, yet I felt someone at the company needed to know what was going on. So I told the vice-president of Human Resources, asking him not to share the information with anyone.

A few days later, the president called me into his office. When I entered, he asked me to sit down. He faced me from across his large desk, looked me in the eye and said, "I hear your mother is very ill."

I was totally caught by surprise and burst into tears. He just looked at me, let my crying subside, and then gently said a sentence I will never forget: "Whatever you need." His understanding and his willingness to both let me be in my pain and to offer me everything were qualities of compassion that I carry with me to this day.

-Martin Rutte

1. The major theme of this passage is

  • A. consistency
  • B. illness
  • C. sharing
  • D. challenge
  • E. compassion

2. According to the selection, all of the following contributed to the narrator's stress EXCEPT

  • A. not knowing his mother's condition.
  • B. having to work throughout the day.
  • C. his mother being very ill with cancer.
  • D. the difficulty of his position at the company.
  • E. traveling many miles to and from work.

3. According to the passage, what job did the narrator do at the beer company?

  • A. He directed the human resources department.
  • B. He graded employees' work performances.
  • C. He aided the leaders in their business strategies.
  • D. He worked with the employees in accounting.
  • E. He supervised beer production and distribution.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that the company president found out about the narrator's situation

  • A. through the narrator's family.
  • B. by observing the narrator's stress.
  • C. by reading an unidentified note.
  • D. through another company employee.
  • E. by observing the narrator's work performance.

5. In the last sentence, the narrator was impressed with the company president's ability to

  • A. understand a mother's pain.
  • B. do two thoughtful things at the same time.
  • C. allow the narrator to cry.
  • D. look beyond an employee's work routine.
  • E. keep a problem a secret.