SSAT Middle Level Reading Comprehension Practice Test 2

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Twenty percent of all the land on Earth consists of deserts. When most people think of deserts, they think of searing heat, big sand dunes, and camels. But not all deserts are huge sand piles—many are strewn with rocks and some, like those at high altitudes, may actually be quite cold.

Desert life is interesting and varied as well. Though the desert is a punishing place—it is difficult to find food and water in the desert—many animals live there. Because there is so little water, desert animals have adapted. Camels can survive for days without drinking. Other animals get their water from the insects and plants they eat.

The extreme temperatures of the desert can make life difficult as well. Many of the mammals there have thick fur to keep out the heat and the cold. Some desert animals are nocturnal, sleeping by day and hunting by night when the air is cooler. It may seem that all deserts are the same, but they are as different as the animals that inhabit them.

1. The passage is primarily about

  • A. deserts and desert wildlife
  • B. nocturnal animals
  • C. plant life of the desert
  • D. sources of water in the desert
  • E. average desert temperatures

2. Which of the following can be inferred as an example of an adaptation to desert life?

  • A. The large claws of the lizard
  • B. The heavy outer shell of the beetle
  • C. The long ears of the hedgehog that give off heat to cool the animal
  • D. The large hood of the cobra that scares off predators
  • E. The quick speed of the mongoose so that it may catch its prey

3. The style of the passage is most like that found in a(n)

  • A. scientific thesis
  • B. general book on desert life
  • C. advanced text on animal adaptations
  • D. diary of a naturalist
  • E. biography of a desert researcher

4. According to the passage, camels are well adapted to desert life because

  • A. they have long legs
  • B. they have thick fur that keeps them cool
  • C. they have large hooded eyes
  • D. they are capable of hunting at night
  • E. they can store water for many days

5. According to the passage, some deserts

  • A. are filled with lush vegetation
  • B. are home to large bodies of water
  • C. actually get a good deal of rainfall
  • D. can be in a cold climate
  • E. are home to large, thriving cities

6. The word "punishing" in line 5 most closely means

  • A. beating
  • B. harsh
  • C. unhappy
  • D. deadly
  • E. fantastic