SSAT Middle Level Reading Practice Test 53

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War is harsh; it is attended by hardship and suffering; it means a vast expenditure of men and money. We may well pray for the coming of the day, promised in the Bible, when the swords shall be turned into plowshares and the spears into pruning hooks; but universal peace cannot come until Justice is enthroned throughout the world. Until the right has triumphed in every land and love reigns in every heart government must, as a last resort, appeal to force.As long as the oppressor is deaf to the voice of reason, so long must the citizen accustom his shoulder to the rifle and his hand to the sword.

-William Jennings Bryan

1. Which of the following best describes the main point of this passage?

  • A. People who die for their country are great patriots.
  • B. As long as evil exists, people must fight for peace.
  • C. Governments always need to prepare for the worse.
  • D. Love can overcome evil if the heart wills it.
  • E. God will never let true evil go unpunished.

2. In the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a result of war?

  • A. It helps the spread of disease.
  • B. It causes great suffering.
  • C. It costs many lives.
  • D. It creates adversity.
  • E. It hurts a country's economy.

3. With which of the following statements about war would the author most likely agree?

  • A. A country should not go to war in uncertain times.
  • B. Real peace has not existed for hundreds of years.
  • C. Humans have no control over winning a war.
  • D. War should always be used as a final option.
  • E. Victory in war is rarely worth a great loss of life.

4. The author of this passage is most likely

  • A. a newspaper reporter
  • B. a soldier preparing for war
  • C. a politician giving a speech
  • D. a man on trial for war crimes
  • E. a teacher of peace strategies

5. What does the author mean by "As long as the oppressor is deaf to the voice of reason" (last sentence)?

  • A. There is no time to waste after war is declared.
  • B. In stressful times, good people can take bad advice.
  • C. Every government should listen to its people.
  • D. Diplomats should take their time in peace talks.
  • E. The enemy is often unwilling to cooperate.