ISEE Upper Level Reading Comprehension Practice Test 48

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1. This passage serves mainly to

  • A. recount the author's experience working on a farm in summer
  • B. provide a description of the author's summer home
  • C. describe the joys of being in the country
  • D. convey the author's love of family celebrations

2. In lines 9–17, the author includes the story of the pony's name primarily to

  • A. show his love for animals
  • B. poke good-hearted fun at his sister
  • C. show his love for his own children
  • D. emphasize the friendship between the Roosevelt and Grant families

3. All of the following can be explicitly answered by information in the passage EXCEPT:

  • A. Where did the author and his siblings prefer to spend their childhood summers?
  • B. How did the author and his siblings spend their time in the country?
  • C. Where did the author and his siblings stay while in the country?
  • D. How did the author feel about Thanksgiving?

4. The statement that "I never knew any one else have what seemed to me such attractive Christmases, and in the next generation I tried to reproduce them exactly for my own children" (lines 47–51) primarily suggests that the author

  • A. wanted his children to follow his example
  • B. missed the Christmases from his childhood
  • C. went to great lengths trying to recreate his childhood
  • D. carried on certain traditions because he thought his children would enjoy them, too

5. The passage is told from the point of view of

  • A. an adult looking back fondly on his own life
  • B. a child describing his life
  • C. a child describing events that happened to someone else
  • D. an adult filled with regret over the passing of time