How is the SSAT test scored?
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How is the SSAT scored?
The scoring of the SSAT is as follows: You get one point (+1 point) for each correct answer, and you lose one quarter of a point(-0.25 point) for each incorrect answer. Omitted answers have no effect (0 points) on your score. Calculation of right answers minus one fourth of wrong answers yields your raw score. Do not worry that your standing on the exam may suffer in comparison to students in other grades taking the same upper-level exam. SSAT scores are scaled and reported in percentiles that compare only students within the same age and grade group.
SSAT scores are computed by awarding 1 point for each correct answer and subtracting 1/4 point for each incorrect answer. This calculation produces a Raw Score, which is then converted to a Scaled Score by the use of tables constructed specifically for each test.
On the lower-level test, verbal, quantitative, and reading scores are each reported on a scale of 440–710. Total scores are reported on a scale of 1320–2130.
On the upper-level test, verbal, quantitative, and reading scores are each reported on a scale of 500–800. Total scores are reported on a scale of 1500–2400.
On a recent test, median 50th percentile scores for reading, verbal, and quantitative sections were as shown below.
Lower-Level Median 50th Percentile Scores
Grade Reading Verbal Quantitative
5 569 584 563
6 596 614 593
7 611 638 614
Upper-Level Median 50th Percentile Scores
Grade Reading Verbal Quantitative
8 629 662 647
9 644 683 668
10 656 645 686
11 626 653 689
Two to three weeks after you take the test, a score report, along with a copy of your essay, will be sent to each school, educational consultant, and educational organization that you indicated on your registration form. Scores remain active for one academic year.