SSAT Math Practice Test 59: Middle and Upper Levels

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1. If p is an odd integer, which of the following must be an odd integer?

  • A. p2 + 3
  • B. 2p + 1
  • C. p ÷ 3
  • D. p - 3
  • E. 2(p2)

2. If m is the sum of two positive even integers, which of the following CANNOT be true?

  • A. m < 5
  • B. 3m is odd
  • C. m is even
  • D. m3 is even
  • E. m ÷ 2 is even

3. The product of b and a2 can be written as

  • A. (ab)2
  • B.
  • C. 2a × b
  • D.
  • E.

4. Damon has twice as many records as Graham, who has one-fourth as many records as Alex. If Damon has d records, then in terms of d, how many records do Alex and Graham have together?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
  • E. 2d

5. xa = (x3)3

What is the value of a × b ?

  • A. 17
  • B. 30
  • C. 48
  • D. 45
  • E. 72

6. One six-foot Italian hero serves either 12 children or 8 adults. Approximately how many sandwiches do you need to feed a party of 250, 75 of whom are children?

  • A. 21
  • B. 24
  • C. 29
  • D. 30
  • E. 32

Liam and Noel are traveling from New York City to Dallas. If they traveled of the distance on Monday and of the distance that remained on Tuesday, what percentage of the trip do they have left to travel?

  • A. 25%
  • B. 30%
  • C. 40%
  • D. 50%
  • E. 80%

of a bag of potato chips contains 10 grams of fat. Approximately how many grams of fat are in of that same bag of chips?

  • A. 5.5
  • B. 6.5
  • C. 7.5
  • D. 8.5
  • E. 9.5

9. Students in Mr. Greenwood's history class are collecting donations for a school charity drive. If the total number of students in the class, x, donated an average of y dollars each, in terms of x and y, how much money was collected for the drive?

  • A.
  • B. xy
  • C.
  • D.
  • E. 2xy

10. If e + f is divisible by 17, which of the following must also be divisible by 17 ?

  • A. (e × f) - 17
  • B. e + (f × 17)
  • C. (e × 17) + f
  • D. (e + f ) / 17
  • E. (e × 3) + (f × 3)

11. Joe wants to find the mean number of pages in the books he has read this month. The books were 200, 220, and 260 pages long. He read the 200 page book twice, so it will be counted twice in the mean. If he reads one more book, what is the fewest number of pages it can have to make the mean no less than 230 ?

  • A. 268
  • B. 269
  • C. 270
  • D. 271
  • E. 272