SSAT Math Question 652: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 652

Liam and Noel are traveling from New York City to Dallas. If they traveled of the distance on Monday and of the distance that remained on Tuesday, what percentage of the trip do they have left to travel?

  • A. 25%
  • B. 30%
  • C. 40%
  • D. 50%

Correct Answer: C


When there are percentages in the choices with no starting or ending value, go ahead and Plug In a number. Even though it's not realistic, try Plugging In 100 miles for the distance between New York and Dallas. Yes, it's further, but make the math easy when Plugging In your own number! Liam and Noel drive of the distance on Monday, so of 100 is (100) = = 20. Subtract this from the total they must drive: 100 - 20 = 80 miles left. On Tuesday, they drive half the remaining distance; half of 80 is 40, so subtract this from 80: 80 - 40 = 40, so there are 40 miles remaining. To find the percentage they still need to drive, divide the remaining mileage from the total to find = . Multiply by 100 to convert to a percent: × 100 = 40%. The correct answer is (C).

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