How Does the SSAT Measure Quantitative Ability?

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The SSAT tests your quantitative ability in two 25-question mathematics sections, that is, with 50 mathematics questions in all. The questions in each section measure your knowledge of number concepts and operations, algebra, geometry/measurement, and data analysis/probability.

The directions are the same for both quantitative sections. They are similar to this:

Directions: Calculate each problem in your head or in the scratch area of the test booklet and choose the best answer.

Here are four sample SSAT quantitative ability questions showing the range of mathematical questions. Try each of these on your own before you read the explanation that accompanies it.

1. % of 1500 =

(A) 60

(B) 15

(C) 7.50

(D) 3.75

(E) 1.50

The correct answer is (D). 19277.png% written as a decimal is 0.0025. (1500)(0.0025) = 3.75. You could have done this problem in your head by thinking: 10% of 1500 is 150; 1% of 1500 is 15; 19268.png of 1% = 15 ÷ 4 = 3.75.

2. If psychological studies of juvenile delinquents show K percent to be emotionally unstable, the number of juvenile delinquents not emotionally unstable per 100 juvenile delinquents is

(A) 100 - K

(B) 1 - K

(C) K - 100

(D) 100 ÷ K

(E) K ÷ 100

The correct answer is (A). "Percent" means out of 100. If K percent are emotionally unstable, then K out of 100 are emotionally unstable. The remainder, 100 - K, are not unstable.


Leave your calculator at home. You won't be able to use it on any of the tests. Instead, use the space provided in the test booklet for scratch work.

3. A piece of wood 35 feet, 6 inches long was used to make 4 shelves of equal length. The length of each shelf was

(A) 9 feet, 119232.png inches.

(B) 8 feet, 1019224.png inches.

(C) 8 feet, 119215.png inches.

(D) 7 feet, 1019205.png inches.

(E) 7 feet, 119197.png inches.

The correct answer is (B). First convert the feet to inches. 35 feet, 6 inches = 420 inches + 6 inches = 426 inches. 426 ÷ 4 = 106.5 inches per shelf = 8 feet, 1019187.png inches per shelf.

4. Angle ABD is a(n)


(A) straight angle and contains 180?.

(B) acute angle and contains 35?.

(C) obtuse angle and contains 360?.

(D) right angle and contains 45?.

(E) right angle and contains 90?.

The correct answer is (E). Angle ABC and angle ABD are supplementary angles. Since angle ABC = 90?, angle ABD must also equal 90? (180? - 90? = 90?). A right angle contains 90?.

You may have noted that only number 7 of the sample math questions required a pencil-and-paper calculation because the numbers were a bit difficult to manipulate mentally. The others required application of a mathematical concept and very little calculation.

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