ISEE Quantitative Comparisons Question 161: Answer and Explanation

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Question: 161


  • A. The quantity in Column A is greater.
  • B. The quantity in Column B is greater.
  • C. The two quantities are equal.
  • D. The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

Correct Answer: D



If y < 5, the value of Column A < 5(5) + 11, which is < 36. The value of Column B is < 6(5) + 6, which is < 36. As the value of both columns can be any number less than 36, the relative values cannot be determined.

Plug in a value for y, such as y = 2. The value of Column A is 21, and the value of Column B is 18. As the value of Column B is not always greater, and the values of the two columns are not always equal, eliminate choices (B) and (C). Now try y = 0. The value of Column A is 11, and the value of Column B is 6, so the value of Column A is still bigger. Try a negative number, such as y = –2. The value of Column A is 1, and the value of Column B is 6. As the value of Column A is not always greater, eliminate choice (A) and select choice (D).

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