List of SSAT/ISEE Synonyms

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List of Synonyms


abbreviate—shorten, make concise

abrasive—harsh, rough, irritating

abstain—refrain, give up, hold back

acclaim—praise, approve, applaud

accumulate—acquire, gain, hoard

accuse—challenge, blame, incriminate (to attribute responsibility)

adaptable—flexible, changeable

adept—skillful, proficient, competent

adhere—attach, stick, follow, uphold

adversary—enemy, opponent, foe, nemesis (an arch enemy)

adverse—bad, negative

aggressive—combative, belligerent (hostile)

agitate—irritate, anger, upset, stir

agreeable—pleasant, likeable, delightful

ambiguous—unclear, vague

ambitious—determined, driven, motivated

ambivalent—indecisive, wishy-washy, unsure

amplify—expand, heighten, enlarge

animated—energetic, lively, spirited

animosity—hostility, resentment, hatred

anomalous—odd, inconsistent, irregular, unusual

anonymous—nameless, unknown, unidentified

antagonize—irritate, bother, annoy

apathy—indifference, unconcern, disregard (lack of interest)

arbitrary—random, chance, inconsistent

arid—dry, barren, parched (lacking water)

attentive—interested, observant, aware

astute— quick-witted, intelligent, smart

atypical—not normal, uncommon, unnatural

audacious—outrageous, bold, daring

audible—perceptible, discernible, distinct (able to be heard)

authentic—original, trustworthy, credible

autonomous—independent, self-governing


baffle—confuse, stump, puzzle

banal—usual, common, ordinary

barren—lifeless, empty, unfruitful (not able to support life)

belated—late, overdue

benevolent—kind, good-hearted

benign—mild, peaceable, harmless

beratescold, criticize, reprimand (to scold or blame)

bleak—grim, hopeless, desolate (deserted and empty)

boisterous—noisy, loud, rambunctious (uncontrolled)

bombastic—boastful, ostentatious (showy), pompous (full of oneself)

buttress—bolster, reinforce, support


cajole—coax, persuade, wheedle (to convince by asking nicely)

camaraderie—friendship, companionship, togetherness

candid—truthful, straightforward, unrehearsed

candor—honesty, directness, veracity (truthfulness)

capricious—willful, arbitrary, impulsive (acting without thought)

captivate—dazzle, enchant, fascinate

caustic—burning, hurtful, sarcastic (cutting or mocking)

chaos—disorder, confusion, pandemonium (an uproar or hubbub)

circumvent—go around, avoid, elude (to get away from)

clandestine—secret, undercover, covert, surreptitious (hidden)

cloying—sticky, sentimental, clingy

coerce—force, bully, pressure

cogent—powerful, logical, persuasive

cognizantaware, informed, sentient (conscious)

coherent—understandable, clear

cohesive—close-knit, unified, interconnected

collaborate—work together, cooperate, join forces

commend—praise, applaud, honor

compatible—harmonious, well-suited, congenial (friendly)

compel—force, require, pressure

competent—skilled, qualified, proficient (good at)

complacent—self-satisfied, comfortable, smug (self-satisfied)

comply—obey, conform, follow

comprehensive—thorough, inclusive, complete

concise—short, to the point, succinct (brief)

condescending—rude, snobbish

confident—sure, convinced, positive

conformcomply, submit, follow

conformity—compliance, submission

congested—packed, jammed, blocked

congruent—alike, matching, harmonious (goes well together)

consensus—agreement, compromise, harmony

consequential—important, major, meaningful

conservative—traditional, old-fashioned, conventional

constant—steady, persistent, incessant (unceasing)

constrain—hold back, restrict, inhibit (to slow down or prevent)

consummate—ideal, perfect, superlative (the best)

contaminatepollute, spoil, taint (to spoil or damage)

contemporary—modern, up to date, new

contradict—disagree, oppose, challenge

conventional—usual, established, typical

converge—meet, come together, join

convey—tell, express, communicate

convoluted—complex, difficult

corroborate—confirm, support, substantiate (to back up with evidence)

corrupt—dishonest, shady, crooked

covert—secret, hidden, underground

criticize—disparage (to cut down), denigrate (to put down)

culpable—responsible, guilty, at fault

curtail—cut back, limit, shorten, restrict


debased—corrupted, depraved (wicked)

decisive—determined, conclusive, sure

decorous—polite, proper, suitable

decry—devalue, disparage (to criticize), demean (to put down)

deficient—lacking, insufficient, not enough

deficit—deficiency, loss, shortage

definite—certain, explicit, indubitable (not questionable)

defy—disregard, flout (to go against)

delete—remove, take away, expunge (to get rid of)

deleterious—damaging, hurtful, injurious (harmful)

denigrate—malign, impugn, slander (to put down)

deplete—diminish, reduce, use up

deplore—despise, hate, undervalue

deprecate—ridicule, disparage (to criticize), denigrate (to put down)

deprive—take away, rob, remove

desire—want, longing, craving

desolate—barren, lifeless, devoid (empty)

destitute—poor, indigent (without money)

destroy—eliminate, obliterate (to wipe out), raze (to completely destroy)

detach—remove, segregate, separate

deter—stop, halt, hinder

detractor—critic, enemy

detrimental—bad, harmful, unfavorable

devastate—destroy, wreck, annihilate (to demolish)

deviousdishonest, evil, duplicitous (scheming)

diffuse—spread out, expanded, propagated (spread out)

digress—stray, ramble, deviate (to go off in another direction)

diligent—hard-working, earnest, persistent

diminish—decrease, dwindle, reduce

diminutive—petite, small, short

dire—critical, very important, desperate, grave (serious)

disagree—conflict, go against, dissent (to differ in opinion)

discern—recognize, distinguish, perceive

disclose—tell, expose, reveal, make known

discomfort—unpleasantness, irritation, pain, anguish (great pain)

disconcerting—disturbing, unbalancing, upsetting

discord—disharmony, conflict

discrepancy—variation, difference, incongruity (difference)

dismal—bleak, sad, horrible

dismay—disappointment, discouragement, trepidation (anxiety or fear)

dismiss—send away, discard, push aside

disparage— mock, criticize, belittle (to put down)

disparate—at variance, contrasting, different

disparity—imbalance, gap, inequity

dispute—bicker, argue, contend

disruptive—disorderly, disturbing

disseminate—publicize, scatter, radiate, disperse

dissipate—deplete, use up, squander (to waste)

distinct—separate, clearly defined, explicit (obvious)

distorted—warped, bent out of shape, perverted

diverge—separate, deviate (to go off course)

diverse—dissimilar, different, varied

divide—split up, disjoin, partition (to cut up)

divulge—bring to light, confess, tell

dominant—superior, controlling, main

dominate—rule over, influence, overshadow

dubious—suspicious, doubtful, disputable

duplicitous—two-faced, shady, dishonest

durable—rugged, tough, tenacious (persistent)

duress—hardship, suffering, threat


endure—bear, withstand, suffer, tolerate, cope with

effusive—expressive, gushing, unrestrained

egotism—narcissism, self-absorption (focusing only on one’s self and one’s own desires)

elaborate—ornate, refined, complicated

elated—thrilled, joyful, euphoric (extremely happy)

elusive—mysterious, puzzling, baffling (difficult to understand)

eminent—prestigious, well-known, illustrious (well-known in a positive manner)

emulate—copy, mimic, act like

encompass—include, circumscribe, encircle

enervate—weaken, incapacitate, drain

engage—deal with, undertake, employ

engender—incite, provoke, rouse (to move to action)

enhance—heighten, improve, increase

enrich—improve, enhance, aggrandize (to make bigger)

enthrall—charm, captivate, mesmerize (to capture the attention of)

eradicate—eliminate, destroy, get rid of

erratic—irregular, unpredictable, volatile (explosive)

espouse—advocate, defend, support

essential—necessary, requisite (required), indispensible (very much needed)

euphoric—excited, thrilled, very happy

exacerbate—embitter, intensify, irritate

exasperate—provoke, rile up, infuriate (to make angry)

exclude—keep out, omit, ostracize (to ban someone from a group)

exculpate—forgive, excuse, acquit (to free from guilt)

exempt—not required to, immune

exonerate—hold blameless, vindicate (to free from guilt), exculpate (to free from guilt)

expand—enlarge, increase, swell

expansive—all-inclusive, broad, widespread

expedite—quicken, hurry, hasten

expert—skilled, knowledgeable, experienced

extenuate—diminish, lessen

extol—praise, exalt, acclaim (to rave about)

extraneous—extra, not needed, unnecessary, irrelevant

extricateliberate, free

extrinsic—foreign, alien, external (outside)

exuberant—cheerful, buoyant (high-spirited), ebullient (full of positive energy)


fabricate—manufacture, make up, formulate

fallacy—falsehood, lie, deception

fanatic—lunatic, zealot, radical (extremist)

fecund—propagating, fertile, fruitful (able to reproduce)

felicitous—appropriate, suitable, apropos (appropriate)

feral—wild, savage, untamed

fervent—sincere, impassioned

flagrantshameless, undisguised, brazen (brash)

flamboyant—glamorous, over-the-top, pretentious (showy)

forbid—prohibit, disallow, ban

formal—official, established, conventional

forthright—sincere, honest, candid (open and direct)

fortitude—courage, endurance, tenacity (persistence)

foster—champion, support, nurture

fragile—breakable, weak, frail

frenetic—obsessive, overwrought (very upset), maniacal (frenzied, like a madman)

frivolity—whimsicality, silliness, childishness, playfulness

frugal—economical, penny-pinching, thrifty

furtive—secretive, clandestine (hidden), stealthy (done in a sneaky way)

futile—pointless, purposeless, trifling (having no value)


gargantuan—huge, gigantic, enormous

generate—make, create, produce

genialcordial, amiable, kindly (likeable)

grandiose—exaggerating, pompous (full of oneself), ostentatious (acting like a “show-off”)

gratuitous—excessive, uncalled for, unnecessary

greedy—gluttonous, insatiable (strong desire for selfish gain)

gregarious—sociable, outgoing, good-natured

guileless—truthful, honest, straightforward

gullible—simple, credulous (easily fooled)


hackneyed—stale, common, trite (something overdone or constantly repeated)

haughty—snotty, narcissistic (focused on the self), arrogant (feeling superior to others)

heinous—wicked, repugnant (very bad), atrocious (awful)

heretic—pagan, unbeliever, iconoclast (one who goes against a belief system)

hesitate—pause, defer (to put off), balk (to refuse to move forward)

honorable—well-regarded, law-abiding, esteemed (well-respected)

hypocrisy—phoniness, fraudulence (fakeness), duplicity (lying)

hypothetical—supposed, presumed, guessed


imitate—copy, mimic (copy), impersonate (to act like someone), emulate (to strive to be like)

immature—childish, infantile (like an infant)

impede—block, hinder, stymie (thwart)

impersonate—mimic, copy, imitate (to act like)

impetuous—hasty, rash (acting with little thought)

impulsive—unpredictable, erratic (irregular), hasty (acting quickly, without thought)

inarticulate—stammering, incomprehensible, tongue-tied (not well-spoken)

incisive—clever, acute, sharp (quick-witted)

incompatible—opposite, clashing (conflicting), disparate (different)

incongruent—unlike, conflicting, inconsistent

incontrovertible—irrefutable, unquestionable, sure

incorporate—include, join, merge, mix

incriminate—accuse, involve, blame

indecision—ambivalence, hesitancy, tentativeness

independent—self-determining, free, self-sufficient, liberated

indeterminate—inexact, inconclusive, imprecise (not accurate)

indict—accuse, condemn, blame

indifference—disinterest, apathy (lack of interest)

indistinct—poorly defined, murky (unclear), ambiguous (not clearly marked or understood)

induce—motivate, cause, instigate (to set in motion)

inept—unskillful, clumsy, incompetent (not capable), bungling (prone to making mistakes)

inevitable—unavoidable, impending (happening soon), destined (bound by destiny to happen)

infamous—disreputable (having a bad reputation), notorious (well-known in a negative way)

informal—casual, unofficial, unfussy

ingenious—gifted, intelligent, resourceful (clever)

inherent—built-in, natural, innate (found naturally within)

inhibit—constrain, suppress, restrain, prevent

inhibited—shy, subdued, reserved (quiet or timid in manner)

initiate—start, begin, inaugurate (to implement)

initiative—drive, motivation, gumption

innocuous—inoffensive, mild, harmless

insipid—dull, tedious, boring

insolence—crudeness, disrespect, impertinence (lack of respect)

instigate—start, initiate (to begin), foment (to stimulate to action)

integrate—put together, merge, harmonize

intimidating—coercive, threatening, compelling

intrepid—fearless, courageous, undaunted (unafraid)

inundate—overload, flood, overwhelm

invariable—unchanging, consistent, constant, steady

invigorate—energize, stimulate, enliven

invincible—strong, unbeatable, indomitable (unable to be conquered)

irate—angry, furious, enraged

irrational—illogical, nonsensical

irregular—variable, unsteady, inconsistent, unusual, variegated (full of variety)

irresolute—uncertain, undecided, indecisive

irritate—annoy, upset, aggravate


jeopardize—endanger, threaten

jovial—happy, upbeat, good-natured

judicious—thoughtful, cautious, prudent (wise)


keen—sharp, quick, astute (smart)


laborious—difficult, hard, demanding

lackluster—dull, boring, uninteresting

lament—mourn, regret, grieve

languid—slow, sluggish, weak

languish—droop, decline, suffer

latent—unexpressed, inactive, hidden, undeveloped

lavish—extravagant, posh, opulent (abundant)

lax—relaxed, loose, permissive, lenient (not strict)

lazy—unmotivated, unenergetic, indolent (avoiding work)

legitimate—actual, real, verified (shown to be true)

lenient —allowing, permissive, forgiving, lax (not strict)

lethargic —slow, lazy, sluggish, inactive

liability—obligation, debt, weakness, disadvantage

linger—stay, loiter, delay

livid—angry, irate, furious

lofty—high, ambitious, pretentious (showy)

loquacious—talkative, chatty, wordy, garrulous (talkative)

lucid—clear, understandable, rational


malevolence—hatred, ill will, malice (intent to harm)

malingering—lazy, shirking (avoiding duties)

malignant—harmful, dangerous

malleable—changeable, bendable, pliable (easy to bend)

mature—full-grown, developed, ripe

mediocre—unimpressive, ordinary, average, so-so

mercurial—ever-changing, unpredictable, fickle (not loyal), capricious (quick to change)

meticulous—neat, careful, detailed, precise (accurate)

misconception—misunderstanding, misperception, false belief

mitigate—reduce, lessen, relieve

moderate—mild, medium, average

modicum—bit, tidbit, morsel (a tiny amount)

mollify—soothe, calm, pacify (to calm)

moribund—dying, ending, declining, terminal (at the end)

morose—negative, dark, sullen (gloomy)

mundane—ordinary, commonplace, everyday

munificent—generous, lavish, liberal (giving freely)

mutable—changeable, flexible, malleable (able to be changed)


naive—innocent, trusting, newcomer

narcissistic—self-absorbed, conceited, selfish

nebulous—vague, unclear

neglect—forget, abandon, overlook

nemesis—arch enemy, opponent, adversary

nocturnal—nighttime, vampirish

nonchalant—casual, relaxed, laid-back

notorious—disreputable (having a bad reputation), infamous (well-known for a bad reason)

novel—new, unique, imaginative

novice—beginner, trainee, neophyte (new learner)

nurture—care for, foster, protect


objective—fair, unbiased, open-minded

obliterate—demolish, eliminate, eradicate (wipe out)

oblivious—unresponsive, unaware, forgetting

obscure—unknown, minor, unseen

obsolete—outdated, irrelevant, archaic (old)

obstinate—stubborn, headstrong, obdurate (stubborn), tenacious (determined)

obtrusive—obvious, prominent, blatant (highly noticeable)

occlude—block, obstruct, impede (to hold back)

omnipotent—supreme, invincible (unstoppable)

onerous—burdensome, tedious (repetitive and boring), arduous (difficult and demanding)

opinionated—inflexible, unbending, dogmatic (having rigid opinions)

opponent—rival, foe, challenger

opportune—well-timed, advantageous (helpful)

optimistic—hopeful, positive, sanguine (confident)

opulentlavish, luxurious, sumptuous (expensive)

ordinary—common, usual, regular, normal

ornate—lavish, bejeweled, adorned (decorated)

orthodox—conventional, mainstream, usual

ostentatious—flashy, flamboyant, pretentious (showy)

ostracize—banish, ignore, cast out

overt—open, unconcealed, blatant (obvious)


parched—dry, dehydrated, waterless

pariah—outcast, untouchable, exile

passion—enthusiasm, zeal, delight

passive—sluggish, lifeless, inert (inactive)

pathetic—pitiful, wretched, lame

penitent—sorry, apologetic, contrite (sorry)

perceptive—insightful, observant

perish—die, pass away, expire

perplexing—puzzling, bewildering, mystifying

persevere—persist, continue, keep on

perturb—annoy, disturb, bother

pervasive—omnipresent, all-encompassing (found everywhere)

pessimistic—gloomy, negative

pious—religious, reverent

placate—soothe, pacify, appease (to calm down)

placid—calm, peaceful, easygoing

plausible—believable, possible, likely

popular—appealing, well-liked, admired

potent—powerful, strong, effective

practical—useful, sensible, no-nonsense

precede—lead, go before

predatory—aggressive, rapacious (out to kill)

predominant—major, principal, most common

pretentious—showy, conceited, self-important

privilege—advantage, benefit

procrastinate—postpone, delay

proficient—skilled, talented, capable

proliferate—increase, flourish, spread, thrive (to do well)

propagate—spread, transmit, publicize

propensity—tendency, inclination, penchant (tendency)

proponent—supporter, advocate, fan

propriety—respectability, politeness

prosaic—dull, ordinary, commonplace

prosperous—wealthy, affluent, abundant

proximity—closeness, convenience, nearness

prudent—wise, cautious, practical

punitive—penalizing, disciplinary, retaliatory (punishing)

purify—cleanse, distill, filter, sanitize


quell—crush, defeat, conquer, suppress

querulousdifficult, irritable, argumentative, cantankerous (argumentative)

quarrelsome—querulous, cranky, grouchy, bad-tempered

quiescent—quiet, sluggish, passive (inactive), dormant (inactive)


random—accidental, haphazard, chance, casual

rational—sane, normal, coherent (makes sense)

rebut—deny, disprove, invalidate

recede—ebb, diminish, draw back

reclusive—isolated, solitary, withdrawn

reconcile—reunite, resolve, bring together

recuperate—recover, get well, improve

refined—polished, developed, cultivated

remedy—cure, restore, fix

remorse—guilt, sorrow, regret, shame

remote—distant, isolated, far

renovate—renew, refresh, repair

renouncereject, abandon, deny

replete—full, stuffed, plentiful

reprehensible—criminal, wicked, disgraceful

repress—restrain, control, suppress, stifle (to hold back)

reputable—trustworthy, dependable, respectable, legitimate

resilientflexible, elastic, rebounding

resplendent—dazzling, magnificent, glorious, stunning

restrain—control, confine, hold back

retain—keep, save, preserve

revere—admire, respect, esteem (to regard highly)

robust—healthy, strong, vigorous

routine—usual, ordinary, normal

rupture—break, burst, rip open


sagacious—wise, shrewd, learned, perceptive

saturate—soak, flood, inundate (to overwhelm)

scrutinize—examine, inspect, analyze

secrete—conceal, hide, stash

sedentary—inactive, immobile, lethargic (slow)

sequential—in order, chronological (sorted by time)

serene—calm, peaceful, tranquil

skeptical—doubtful, unconvinced, disbelieving

solace—comfort, support, relief

soporific—dull, sleep-inducing, monotonous (boring)

sparse—limited, scarce, inadequate, scant (a small amount)

spontaneous—unplanned, spur-of-the-moment, impromptu (unplanned)

squander—waste, spend, misuse

stagnant—still, inactive, inert (not active)

sterile—antiseptic, disinfected, sanitary

stimulate—encourage, motivate, inspire

strenuous—taxing, straining, demanding, arduous (difficult)

strict—firm, exacting, rigorous

submissive—obedient, passive (inactive), compliant (willing to obey)

substantial—considerable, extensive, sizeable, significant

substantiate—verify, prove, corroborate (to prove)

subtle—slight, understated, delicate

sullen—brooding, grim, gloomy

summon—call, beckon, gather

superficial—shallow, surface

superfluous—extra, surplus (more than is needed)

supply—provide, give, contribute

support—maintain, encourage, sustain (to keep going)

suppress—prevent, repress (to hold down), stifle (to hold back), constrain (to limit)

surge—rush, flow, pour, gush

surplus—extra, spare, leftover

surreptitious—secret, sneaky, stealthy (sneaky), covert (hidden)

surrogate—substitute, replacement, stand-in

sustainsupport, maintain, keep going


tame—domestic, friendly, docile (obedient)

tardy—late, slow, delayed

tedious—boring, dull, dreary, monotonous (boring)

temperate—moderate, pleasant, mild

temperamental—unpredictable, moody, volatile (explosive)

tenacious—stubborn, persistent, determined

tentative—cautious, hesitant, uncertain

tenuous—weak, flimsy, fragile

tense—worried, anxious, stressed, uptight

terminate—end, finish, conclude, cease

terse—abrupt, brief, concise (to the point), brusque (abrupt)

therapeutic—healing, beneficial, helpful

tolerant—broadminded, understanding, forbearing (patient)

toxic—poisonous, deadly, lethal (deadly)

tranquil—peaceful, calm, relaxing, serene (peaceful)

transgression—wrongdoing, disobedience, offense

transient—temporary, brief, fleeting, short-lived

translucent—clear, transparent, see-through

treacherous—unsafe, dangerous, hazardous, perilous (dangerous)

trepidation—fear, anxiety, apprehension (fear)

trivial—minor, insignificant, petty, negligible (not important)

truncate—shorten, abbreviate, trim

turbulent—chaotic, confused, tumultuous (in turmoil)


unheralded—unannounced, unpredicted, unexpected

uniform—unchanging, unvarying, standardized, homogeneous (the same)

unpalatable—unpleasant, distasteful, disagreeable

unparalleled—matchless, unequaled, incomparable, supreme

unstinting—generous, giving

untenable—indefensible, unreasonable

utilitarian—useful, practical, functional

utopian—perfect, ideal


vague—unclear, hazy, indistinct (not clear)

valid—legitimate, reasonable, sensible

validate—confirm, approve, certify, authorize

valid—authentic, legal, legitimate, official

verdant—green, lush, luxuriant

versatile—adaptable, resourceful, multitalented

vex—annoy, pester, irritate, exasperate (frustrate)

virtuoso—expert, master, ace, whiz

viscous—thick, sticky, gluey

vitality—energy, liveliness, durability

vital—essential, fundamental, crucial

vivacious—lively, cheerful, spirited

vivid—bright, vibrant, colorful

volatile—explosive, unpredictable, unstable

voluntary—unpaid, honorary, pro bono (done without pay)

vulnerable—unprotected, in danger, at risk


wane—diminish, decline, fade

waver—hesitate, fluctuate, vacillate (to be indecisive)

whimsical—fanciful, quirky, eccentric (unusual)

wordy—rambling, long-winded, verbose (full of words)


youthful—young, vigorous, vital


zealous—eager, passionate, fervent (full of passion)

zeal—enthusiasm, passion, eagerness

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