What Do Verbal Analogy Questions Look Like?

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What Do Verbal Analogy Questions Look Like?An analogy can be written in several different ways. It may be written as a sentence, using only words, or symbols may be substituted for the connecting words. SSAT analogy questions use only words.

Winter is to summer as cold is to

(A) wet

(B) future

(C) hot

(D) freezing

(E) spring

The correct answer is (C). WINTER and SUMMER are opposites, or antonyms. The antonym for COLD is HOT.

Some analogies supply three of the four necessary words. You must find the relationship between the first two words and then choose a word that is related to the third word in the same way.

Spelling is to punctuation as biology is to

(A) science

(B) animals

(C) dissection

(D) chemistry

(E) experiment

The correct answer is (D). SPELLING and PUNCTUATION are two subjects studied in English. BIOLOGY and CHEMISTRY are two subjects studied in the field of science.

Other analogies begin with a pair of words. You must first decide how those words are related. Then, from a list of five pairs, you must choose the pair that illustrates the same relationship.

Spelling is to punctuation as

(A) pajamas is to fatigue

(B) powder is to shaving

(C) bandage is to cut

(D) biology is to chemistry

(E) reading is to book

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